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Evolution of Rookgaard

These maps show many interesting areas available to explore and tells a fictional story of how the island's structure may have evolved since it's creation.

The Beginning
(December 23 1999; version: Tibia 5.1)

Rookgaard was created by Knightmare. When the island was first established there were not many monsters or hunting areas available. Many of the old merchants and inhabitants such as Dallheim, Seymour, and Cipfried were still around, but there were fewer shops and houses compared to present day. Even though the island was less populated and not as well recognized, Rookgaard was highly respected for it's unique humble ways.

Hunting Grounds Expanded
(December 23 2000; version: Tibia 6.1)

After a long period of time the inhabitants discovered a large landmass to the west of Rookgaard and built a large bridge to connect it to the island. Among this landsmass were new hunting areas with new breeds of monsters for warriors to test thier strength against. There were also hidden tombs beneath the soil for old philosophers to explore. Many ancient secrets were discovered.

Town Expanded
(December 17 2002; version: Tibia 7.1)

King Tibianus of Thais later granted Cipfried a large loan of gold so that more shops may be built for the island. There were far too many unprepared adventurers and warriors whom had came to Thais with not enough equipment, to survive against the powerful monsters outside of Rookgaard. After a few months the entire town had been revised. The Oracle was also built, as King Tibianus wanted to try and distribute the young adventurers evenly around all the Mainland citys.

Present Day
(September 03 2003; version: Tibia 7.11)

Unsatisfied with little that had been built, King Tibianus ordered Cipfried to create even more shops on a new area of land purchased by the king himself. Taxes must be paid for anyone to live or cross the bridge on to this area of the island.


This is the theory of the evolution of Rookgaard.
